Monday, May 23, 2011

cara dapat dollar ala pemburu adsense

Cara Mendaftar Adsense sebenarnya mudah jika anda tahu caranya. Namun jika anda tidak tahu caranya seberapakalipun anda mendaftar, pastilah ditolak oleh Google Adsense.
Syarat mendaftar Adsense ialah:
1. Anda harus punya blog atau website.
2. Website anda harus berbahasa Inggris.
3. Buat email di
Lalu bagaimana caranya website berbahasa Indonesia bisa mendaftar Adsense? Ikuti tutorial ini
  1. Buat blog baru di blogspot atau wordpress.
  2. Isi dengan 7 posting berbahasa Inggris. Caranya copy paste artikel bahasa inggris, baiknya dirubah-rubah dikit, biar dak ketahuan Google.
  3. Mendaftarlah di Google Adsense
  4. Di sebelah kanan atas, pilih bahasa indonesia, agar lebih mudah nanti anda mengisi form pendaftarannya.
  5. Klik “daftar sekarang”
  6. Isi formnya dengan sebenar-benarnya
    Terutama untuk ‘Nama penerima pembayaran’ isilah dengan nama yang sesuai ktp, karena kalau tidak nanti cek adsense tidak dapat dicairkan
  7. Jika sukses semua akan keluar pemberitahuan seperti ini
  8. adsense success
  9. Selanjutnya anda tinggal menunggu email pemberitahuan kurang lebih 1-2 hari, apakah pendaftaran adsense anda diterima atau tidak.
Blog harus berbahasa Inggris hanya untuk pendaftaran saja. Setelah diterima oleh Google adsense, anda bisa rubah  kembali postingannya menjadi bahasa Indonesia. Atau gunakan aja scriptnya di website/blog lain milik anda.

isi survey dapat dolar di aw survey

Mendapatkan Uang Gratis Dari A.W.Surveys hanya dengan 10 Menit?

hay kali ini saya akan membagikan kabar baik buat agan semua yang tertarik untuk memeras pundi pundi dolar dari interet. cara ini relatip mudah dan sangat terbukti untuk mandapatkan dolar dari internet dan bukan scam, dengan hanya mengisi survey yang hanya memerlukan waktu yang relatip sinkat yaitu hanaya sekitar 10 menit bagi anda yang tertarik untuk mendaftar silahkan ikuti  langkah berikut:

Langkah demi langkah Cara Memperoleh Dollar/Uang Gratis di A.W.Surveys

Jika saya mempunyai banner dengan loggo:$27 Dollar On 10 Mnt,itu memang benar adanya.
Bahkan jika anda sudah tahu langkah dan cara nya,bisa anda lakukan kurang bahkan dari 10 Menit.

Ok!langsung saja ya :D

Langkah Cara Survey di A.W.Surveys

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    Langkah Cara Mendapatkan $27 Dollar dari A.W.Surveys.
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  • Pada pilihan survey,survey pertama,anda akan langsung mendapatkan $6,dan survey-survey selanjutnya @$4 hingga total akhir survey anda akan mendapatkan $27 ,sedangkan untuk referal(orang yang sudah berhasil anda ajak bergabung),anda akan mendapatkan $1.25 pada setiap referal.Asyik khan?
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    Langkah Cara Survey $27 Dollar dari A.W.Surveys.
  • Bukalah situs yang awsurveys sediakan untuk kita survey,setelah situs tersebut terbuka di halaman baru,tunggu beberapa saat dan tutup situs tersebut,lalu berkomentarlah pada kolom yang disediakan.Komentar bisa hanya sebuah kalimat misal;
    Perfect site! atau Not too bad!,dll.
    Sebenarnya,tanpa kita membuka situs tersebut dan hanya komentar saja dengan bahasa inggis tentunya,survey telah berhasil kita lakukan,tapi jika A.W.Surveys telah baik kepada kita,kenapa kita nggak mencoba menghargainya? :D
  • Setelah selesai klik tombol dibawahnya,dan lihat balance anda sekarang.
    Dollar Awsurveys.
  • Setelah itu,anda siap untuk melakukan survey yang lain.


  • Setiap awal bulan,A.W.Surveys akan memberikan situs untuk kita survey,oleh sebab itu,rajin-rajinlah mengecek email anda.
  • Uang dapat dicairkan via PayPal,jika anda belum punya account paypal,anda bisa membuatnya di sini.
  • Tulisan Redeem Money,yaitu untuk mencairkan dollar,yang akan dikirim ke paypal anda setelah terkumpul $75.

Gimana?tertarik? jika anda sudah siap,anda bisa mulai sekarang juga,klik di sini.
Survey situsnya! rampok dollarnya!,hehehehe.. salam sukses!!!
silahkan klik banner dibawah

Klik tombol 'Buat Popular Post' di bawah ini jika anda merasa konten/postingan yang sedang anda baca sangat menarik dan bermanfaat bagi anda.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

bulukumba: panorama pasir putih di bira beach

bulukumba: panorama pasir putih di bira beach: " bulukumba adalah salah satu kabupaten diprov sulawesi sulawesi selatan yang memilikidaya tarik wista yang sangat menarik untuk dikunj..."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

makassar studio tour trance

Trans Studio Makassar is the world's largest indoor ride, built up area of 12.7 hectares, located along an integrated tourist city of Makassar , Province   South Sulawesi , including terbayak visited tourist attraction among tourist attractions   Eastern Indonesia, as well as making the city of Makassar City Tour grandest.
Trans Studio which was inaugurated on September 9, 2009 (dated 09 - 09-09, a historic day in which the Trans Studio Makassar officially opened).
Existing facilities include integrated area of ​​the shopping center that includes the Trans Rodeo Drive Walk and Trans, Trans Studio, Trans Hotel, as well as bank offices. Trans Studio Building was built area of ​​22,000 m² with a height of 20 meters which is an amusement park, largest indoor rides in the World.
As Trans World Studios, the largest indoor theme park in the world has more than 20 rides and games has various facilities such as malls, restaurants, hotels, and marina are all within one complex.
Studio Trans World Makassar is in the area of ​​Trans Studio Resort, located at the Integrated Global Business and Tourism Tanjung Bunga, Makassar, South Sulawesi, or are in the suburbs west coast city of Makassar, is about 5 KM from the Field Karebosi (bottom center field there Karebosi shopping) as the center of Makassar.
Trans Studio Theme 
Park World Makassar like Universal Studios and Walt Disney in California, the United States. Equipped with space-space simulation several television programs, Trans TV, or events in Indonesia. Some of them are the Tsunami Island, the atmosphere tense tsunami and earthquake. Magic Museum which contains live objects, the Other World, Rafting, Magic Corner, Lost City, Terror Twister, and the Water Coaster, zone Studio Central, and Cartoon City. and much more.
Theme Park was designed by John Stevenson, the director of Kung Fu Panda. Theme Park area of ​​2.7 hectares (larger than Korea's Lotte World area of ​​1.7 hectares) with a capacity of 5000 people consists of four zones with 22 vehicles the game.
A commendable global thinking, namely choosing Makassar as a location because of the Trans Studio Tour Makassar has a very rapid growth / highest in Indonesia, and the presence of the mega project is the Trans Studio helped shape the new identity of this city, as a magnet in eastern Indonesia and to form images Domestic Tourism is "Java is the past, Bali is the present, and Sulawesi are the future
Entrance Signs
Studio Technologi pass by with a microchip card that was used as a new payment instrument was first used in Makassar (No rides in the world who use this technology, the plan in 2010, Disneyland Orlando, USA, will use this technology)
Studio Cards Pass in lieu of money, valid for life, and can also be used to buy merchadise or toll card pre - paid
Transactions entered using a Studio Pass .. with a minimum of 100,000 debit. (In the currency does not apply), including Price Card Studio Pass (Can be used onwards) = Rp. 10.000
15 vehicle entrance fee following the game (play 1x masing2) = Rp. 90.000
Additional ticket price per person perwahana:
  1. Trans City Theater 15,000
  2. Studio Tour 15,000
  3. Studio View Grand Esia 10,000
  4. Hollywood Bumper Car 15,000
  5. Bicycles Flying 15,000
  6. Jungle Express 15,000
  7. Si Bolang 10,000
  8. Safari Track 15,000
  9. Balloon House Rp.10.000
  10. Carousel 15,000
  11. Swing Waves 15,000
  12. 15,000 whirlwind
  13. Kano Kali 15,000
  14. Mini Boom Boom Car 15,000
  15. Play Lightning 15,000
Game ticket prices are not included in the package per person:
  1. Cinema 4D 25.000
  2. Kids Studio 25.000
  3. Magic Thunder Coaster 25.000
  4. Dragon's Tower 25.000
  5. Browse 25.000
  6. Other World 25.000


Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 Ways to Deal With Teen Drinking

By Rebecca Sebek Platinum Quality AuthorIf you have a teenager, chances are they may try alcohol. You may not like this but think back to when you were a teen. Did you try alcohol? Don't be a hypocrite! Speak to your teen about the dangers of alcohol. If they drink too much, they could die. If they get behind the wheel, they could kill themselves or others. Your teen will test boundaries and will be curious about alcohol. Remember, it's apart of most cultures. Be open and honest about alcohol and you won't have to worry about your teen.

5 Ways to Deal with Teen Drinking

Lead by example. The drinking age in the U.S. is 21 while it's 18 in Europe and other countries. The bottom line is to be an example for your teen. If you don't drink alcohol every day (in excess) your teen will follow your example. The caveat is how well your teen handles peer pressure. They could succumb to it and over drink. Remind your teen of the danger of drinking in excess. They could get alcohol poisoning and die! Remind your teen that it is better they lose friends than their life.

Explain the dangers of drinking and driving. If your teen drinks and drives they could die. That's the bottom line. They could also kill others. The laws in the U.S. and around the world are not like they were 20 or more years ago. A teen could get jail time for drinking and driving. Remind them that drinking and driving is not worth it. Please tell your teen to call you no matter what. You may not like having to pick up your teen from a party but it's better than the alternative.

Don't lose your temper. Did you try alcohol when you were a teen? How did your parents react? How did it make you feel? You may not like it that your teen is drinking, but losing your temper won't help the situation. Take a deep breath and remain calm. Remind your teen about the dangers of drinking. Also, you may want to take them to an AA meeting or Al-Anon meeting so they can get information first-hand from alcoholics and those who live or have lived with alcoholics. Have them speak to a teen who's serving time for drinking and driving. It could 'scare' them straight!

Make sure you teen can call you no matter what. If you don't want your teen to drive drunk or get into a car with a friend who's been drinking, make sure they know they can call you no matter what. It is better that you pick them up at 2 a.m. versus going to the morgue to identify their body.

Get to know your teen's friends and parents. How well do you know your teen's friends and parents? They may not be happy that you want to meet their friends, let alone their parents. It's your job as a parent to know who your teen's friends are. Get to know the parents. If they allow their teen's to drink, tell you teen of the consequences of that. For example, if their friend's parents allow teens to drink at their home and something happens, they could be held responsible. Laws are changing, especially in the U.S., with regards to 'social parties' held at private homes. Parents can face jail time. Is it worth it to hold social parties? Not if you value your freedom.

Rebecca Sebek is the owner of DEORConsulting, a life coaching, consulting, and educating company for teens, parents, guardians, and professionals who work with teens. Parents learn how your past may be influencing your parenting skills; you may be surprised that it is. Together, we can help teens be, do, and have all they want out of life


Gratitude Is A Causal Energy By Nanci Boyd

One of the first Laws of Manifestation is the alignment of personal energy with Universal Energy, or the Divine (however you choose to define it.) If your personal energy does not match what you intend to create, it simply cannot exist on the material plane. You can visualize all you want, but it refuses to take form until there is a congruent energy match; as above, so below, as within, so without.
While at first this dilemma may seem daunting, don't despair! There is a shortcut that works quickly and powerfully to accelerate the process of getting your own energy to match 100% with what you want. The shortcut will be revealed in just a moment.
Want the secret to getting your own energy to match what you want? First of all, the feeling of thankfulness or appreciation is expansive; it opens your heart and opens unseen doors in many dimensions that allow it to expand. You might say (and some have) that Gratitude is the "secret code" that unlocks the door to prosperity.
Just as an experiment, you might try holding both the feelings of thankfulness and anger in your heart at the same time. You may find it impossible. You have to choose one or the other; you cannot hold them both simultaneously.
Here, then, is the shortcut I promised: generate the energy of appreciation, thankfulness or gratitude. Should you choose thankfulness (highly recommended), commit to keeping that energy clear and strong in your heart. Everyone has at least one thing for which they can feel and express gratitude. Find something for which you can appreciate right now, and focus on it. Then, allow the energy of gratitude to expand.
Replace any other thoughts that arise with memories of a time when you were completely filled with gratitude. Generate feelings of appreciation for who and what you are, for the family and friends that make your life sweet, for all the good things that have come to you over the years, and/or for all that you have left, if things or people have been removed from your life. (And in some cases, you may feel grateful for that too!)
Some people like to keep a daily gratitude journal, to list every day what they appreciate and feel thankful to have in their lives. Others like to start their day with a prayer of appreciation for all that they have been given. However you approach the work of keeping an energy of gratitude in your life, notice the relationship between how often you generate that energy and what comes into your experience. Also experiment with bringing more gratitude-energy into your life, to see what happens.
The "secret code" for manifestation is as close as you need it to be and available any time you choose. Choose wisely and manifest more of what you want in life.