Thursday, March 31, 2011

5 Ways to Deal With Teen Drinking

By Rebecca Sebek Platinum Quality AuthorIf you have a teenager, chances are they may try alcohol. You may not like this but think back to when you were a teen. Did you try alcohol? Don't be a hypocrite! Speak to your teen about the dangers of alcohol. If they drink too much, they could die. If they get behind the wheel, they could kill themselves or others. Your teen will test boundaries and will be curious about alcohol. Remember, it's apart of most cultures. Be open and honest about alcohol and you won't have to worry about your teen.

5 Ways to Deal with Teen Drinking

Lead by example. The drinking age in the U.S. is 21 while it's 18 in Europe and other countries. The bottom line is to be an example for your teen. If you don't drink alcohol every day (in excess) your teen will follow your example. The caveat is how well your teen handles peer pressure. They could succumb to it and over drink. Remind your teen of the danger of drinking in excess. They could get alcohol poisoning and die! Remind your teen that it is better they lose friends than their life.

Explain the dangers of drinking and driving. If your teen drinks and drives they could die. That's the bottom line. They could also kill others. The laws in the U.S. and around the world are not like they were 20 or more years ago. A teen could get jail time for drinking and driving. Remind them that drinking and driving is not worth it. Please tell your teen to call you no matter what. You may not like having to pick up your teen from a party but it's better than the alternative.

Don't lose your temper. Did you try alcohol when you were a teen? How did your parents react? How did it make you feel? You may not like it that your teen is drinking, but losing your temper won't help the situation. Take a deep breath and remain calm. Remind your teen about the dangers of drinking. Also, you may want to take them to an AA meeting or Al-Anon meeting so they can get information first-hand from alcoholics and those who live or have lived with alcoholics. Have them speak to a teen who's serving time for drinking and driving. It could 'scare' them straight!

Make sure you teen can call you no matter what. If you don't want your teen to drive drunk or get into a car with a friend who's been drinking, make sure they know they can call you no matter what. It is better that you pick them up at 2 a.m. versus going to the morgue to identify their body.

Get to know your teen's friends and parents. How well do you know your teen's friends and parents? They may not be happy that you want to meet their friends, let alone their parents. It's your job as a parent to know who your teen's friends are. Get to know the parents. If they allow their teen's to drink, tell you teen of the consequences of that. For example, if their friend's parents allow teens to drink at their home and something happens, they could be held responsible. Laws are changing, especially in the U.S., with regards to 'social parties' held at private homes. Parents can face jail time. Is it worth it to hold social parties? Not if you value your freedom.

Rebecca Sebek is the owner of DEORConsulting, a life coaching, consulting, and educating company for teens, parents, guardians, and professionals who work with teens. Parents learn how your past may be influencing your parenting skills; you may be surprised that it is. Together, we can help teens be, do, and have all they want out of life


Gratitude Is A Causal Energy By Nanci Boyd

One of the first Laws of Manifestation is the alignment of personal energy with Universal Energy, or the Divine (however you choose to define it.) If your personal energy does not match what you intend to create, it simply cannot exist on the material plane. You can visualize all you want, but it refuses to take form until there is a congruent energy match; as above, so below, as within, so without.
While at first this dilemma may seem daunting, don't despair! There is a shortcut that works quickly and powerfully to accelerate the process of getting your own energy to match 100% with what you want. The shortcut will be revealed in just a moment.
Want the secret to getting your own energy to match what you want? First of all, the feeling of thankfulness or appreciation is expansive; it opens your heart and opens unseen doors in many dimensions that allow it to expand. You might say (and some have) that Gratitude is the "secret code" that unlocks the door to prosperity.
Just as an experiment, you might try holding both the feelings of thankfulness and anger in your heart at the same time. You may find it impossible. You have to choose one or the other; you cannot hold them both simultaneously.
Here, then, is the shortcut I promised: generate the energy of appreciation, thankfulness or gratitude. Should you choose thankfulness (highly recommended), commit to keeping that energy clear and strong in your heart. Everyone has at least one thing for which they can feel and express gratitude. Find something for which you can appreciate right now, and focus on it. Then, allow the energy of gratitude to expand.
Replace any other thoughts that arise with memories of a time when you were completely filled with gratitude. Generate feelings of appreciation for who and what you are, for the family and friends that make your life sweet, for all the good things that have come to you over the years, and/or for all that you have left, if things or people have been removed from your life. (And in some cases, you may feel grateful for that too!)
Some people like to keep a daily gratitude journal, to list every day what they appreciate and feel thankful to have in their lives. Others like to start their day with a prayer of appreciation for all that they have been given. However you approach the work of keeping an energy of gratitude in your life, notice the relationship between how often you generate that energy and what comes into your experience. Also experiment with bringing more gratitude-energy into your life, to see what happens.
The "secret code" for manifestation is as close as you need it to be and available any time you choose. Choose wisely and manifest more of what you want in life.

iPhone Applications for Education By Alan L Smith Platinum Quality Author

iPhone application development now addresses different aspects of life such as education, health, book reading and business. Among the list of applications one of the most important sectors is the education. Some of the known iPhone applications for educational purpose are as follows.
An iPhone application called Math Skill K is developed to enhance the mathematical abilities of the kindergarten toddlers. The kids can easily learn counting numbers, comparing numbers, and identifying shapes. The contents of the application are in accordance with the kindergarten curriculum of most of the states in the USA. It is a fun to learn mathematics through this kind of application because of the utility of colorful shapes and animals. The application involves minimum utility of text. The design of the application is made to suit the little fingers of the kids. The application is so user friendly, interactive, and attractive that kids like to repeatedly play with this application. The kids tend to quickly grasp the basic mathematical concepts.
Building up Vocabulary:
Brains Cape has launched an iPhone application for building up vocabulary. This application is called Advance Vocabulary Genius. This application helps the user to easily remember the meanings of the words and build vocabulary. There are around 1900 flash cards that display not only the meaning of the word but its roots too. The words are accompanied with sample sentences too. The use of suffixes, prefixes and roots is displayed in more than 300 words. This makes it easy to remember the meanings of those words. The flashcards can be customized. The user is facilitated with algorithm that is scientifically optimized. This is to enable the repetition of the flash cards in such a way that the brain remembers the maximum words. The functionalities like 'browse' and 'search' make it very easy to find the flash card of your choice. If you want to keep a track of the pages you have already referred you can resort to using the statistic, feedback and visualization tools.
iWritesWords is an iPhone application that addresses towards the enhancement of handwriting capabilities of the child. The child needs to help Mr. Crab at collecting the numbers and arranging them is sequence. The child just needs to drag Mr. Crab with the finger touch and at the same time draw the letters. A beautiful drawing is displayed once the letters are arranged in a specific format. The last step involves tilting of the iPhone. You will see a rotating hole appearing on the screen and the letters sliding into it. This paves the way to move forward to the next level. This application has 70 words each of uppercase letters and lowercase letters. There are 20 different levels of numbers. Whenever each word or letter is completed it is spoken. For uppercase letters there are 26 levels of tracing for individual letters. The number of levels is the same for lower case letters too. The words with the kid's handwriting can be replayed.
Copyright © 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Copals Art Bank Touching The 3000-mark

Copal Art, an Indian art advisory and placement firm, is knocking on the doors of the international art industry with the brigade of around 3000 artworks of excellence.

After establishing its roots in the domestic market, Copal Art is headed to conquer the international market with its huge and widely acclaimed collection of the creations of Indian artists from the different layers of the society.

Copal Art celebrates its association with around 3000 artworks which have won their due recognition and are set for greater heights on the global stage. With its commendable promotional strategies and the recent online branding of Indian artists through its revamped new website, Copal Art is walking shoulder to shoulder with the best art advisory and funding companies in the world.

By expanding its collection and esteemed clientele, Copal Art is working towards uplifting the face of modern art and its different genres in the aesthetically rich country like ours.

Know Copal Art
Copal Art is a front-runner in the promotion of Indian art and working towards the rise of art in India. The advisory and placement firm is now spreading its wings to farther territories to capture and utilize the untapped markets of the world.

Copal Art, an Indian art advisory and placement firm, is knocking on the doors of the international art industry with the brigade of around 3000 artworks of excellence.

After establishing its roots in the domestic market, Copal Art is headed to conquer the international market with its huge and widely acclaimed collection of the creations of Indian artists from the different layers of the society.

Copal Art celebrates its association with around 3000 artworks which have won their due recognition and are set for greater heights on the global stage. With its commendable promotional strategies and the recent online branding of Indian artists through its revamped new website, Copal Art is walking shoulder to shoulder with the best art advisory and funding companies in the world.

By expanding its collection and esteemed clientele, Copal Art is working towards uplifting the face of modern art and its different genres in the aesthetically rich country like ours.

Know Copal Art
Copal Art is a front-runner in the promotion of Indian art and working towards the rise of art in India. The advisory and placement firm is now spreading its wings to farther territories to capture and utilize the untapped markets of the world.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The last meeting

         Momentarily I lay my body on a chair in the living room, my heart will really upset at her behavior that, as soon as I wipe the tears that trickled down into almost any evening dress. I'm disappointed in him, why he would do this to me and it was he himself who called me to accompany him to a party of his friend,, I was so happy, too happy even tuk said. When my legs started to move menjauyh from sedanku headed into the room which was luxurious enough, there is worry and anxiety that comes when the moon emits its light at night two lovers who were clashing intimate that anyone will be focused to see it.
Truly tragic, Indra turns would do it all to me, I'm going to run left the room but suddenly withdrawn by the person's hand, his grip was so strong. "I hope that he" I whispered, slowly I looked back. Wi, excuse me, Indra whispered right in my right ear .. My breath was panting even want to stop but I had to keep pumping my breath tuk remain biased to say "Sorry what??''Everything is clear, I said defiantly. "I'm sorry because we have to end this relationship because I would love him" said the sense of convincing to do on a figure straight-haired beautiful woman and the white-skinned. I think he would persuade me and told me what I witnessed was far different from what actually happened, but none of the total,, All of a sudden my chest tightness, night wind it feels like mandobrakku fell to the floor but I ran speedily left the room including the remnants of the conversation was painful. Sedanku fast moving car, take me away across the town square, Indra was no longer chasing me like what I expected. it was all dark, everything is quiet even for the brightest lights in the middle of the city was too dark for my eyes are stinging with tears terbilas.
The sun began to sting my body, my cell phone rang someone somewhere, the number is too foreign to be detected in red cell phone Indra during my birthday gift to the 17 then, "Hello" I said, 'This Winda do you? "Replied a woman. soft tone reminds me of someone but I just ignore, do not want the heavy early morning mess fikiranku to remember .. "Well, this is indeed Winda, what's yah?" I replied. "Win, Indra could not home right now??". But this ... .... I have not had time to continue the phone disconnected,, I'm only sad when there is mention the name of the senses .. ntah why my heart is restless until finger abysmally little finger was accidentally dropped my picture with Indra on vacation in Bali a week ago, when he kept forcing me to go with the permission of my parents .. I initially refused, but he kept insisting, but usually he never sengotot it if you want something ..
My mother just confusion tingkahku strange look after received a call earlier, "why do you Win, not clear fro instead beresin broken glass photo frame that falls" admonished Mrs. .. "I think of Indra ma, I feel not good gini nih" I panic .. "Well, already, just try to house Indra Win" .. "Ah no, I hate Indra ma, I do not want to know him again" .. mother had not spoken, home phone rang but instead the mother who raised it,, know what is in talking about, I do not care .. after the phone closed, the mother manatapku with a serious face, anyone who saw it would be concerned .. "Win, to the house of Indra now" command mom .. "But, .." mother shook her head indicating that I should not dodge the command mom again ..
Curious also took me to the house of Indra, when I started turned my feet out of the taxi, my eyes turned to the neat flower arrangements in front of my house Indra and note in the vicinity, which ads people are familiar and often I come across every Indra invited to gather with keluarganya.Aku Indra rushed into the house, and once I saw bodies in the middle of the crowd. At the other end I see Ms. Indra who was hysterical, in sampingya there is Lisa, the sister of Indra who often play with me, running and chasing each other along with Indra .. At the corner where I had often quarreled and Indra Indra's father happily there are no know what is in him. My eyes back and forth looking for the figure of Indra but never found me, my breath out of breath, chest tightness, burst into tears when I saw bodies that were Indra, I could not resist a sudden flood in my eyes, Indra was going to leave me ..
Manghampiriku figure of a young woman, beautiful face was familiar, the woman I've ever encountered when Rian birthday, when he along with Indra. 'Win. Indra cousin who I had just come from Bali, you have to be patient and steadfast well, actually Indra had suffered from brain cancer but he always cover it up from you, he does not want you to worry, I'm sorry too about what happened last night. Fikirku about to float on the incident last night, when I ran to bring tears, Indra intercept and hold my fingers, I really feel the touch of Indra's hand is so cold and pale.
"Oh yes, It's time to deposit a letter in writing Indra for you before he left" handed it to me and left me. My open letter sheet ..
Dear my love ...
Maafin tuk me because of my age could be limited by your side
But still this love will always be with you
I wish you could take my death with a sweet smile
Bleak first when you're always smiling sweetly for me
I'm not biased you know you previously about my illness
Because I do not want weak and make you worry
I know you as a beautiful woman
I hope you can mengikhlaskan my departure to eternal happiness
I will forever love you
Because you are my happiness and bahagiamu
In, I'll forever love you, but this is too fast for the bias have you, though thrown you can no longer maintain and spoiled me, my heart remains there to accompany every step because I was part of my life ..
Indra farewell, goodbye I hope you get the most beautiful places in the side, Goodbye. ... ... ... ....

Created by:
Dian Adriani Saputri


Toshiba, Acer And Lenovo Laptops High End Ultra Portable Machines

Toshiba Laptop reviews basically give you information about all latest launched laptops in the market such as Toshiba C655-S5130 which is a 15 inch laptop with durable battery life and is powered by AMD Fusion processor. It is one of the affordable laptops in the market and is not that competitive as compared to other laptops like Lenovo ThinkPad X120E and HP Pavilion DM1. The Toshiba is a black box type generic laptop that comes with decent specifications with all matte black interior and exterior molded in patterned grid texture. There are plain black grilles on the keyboard with distressing amount and overall case design. The full number pad and edge to edge keyboard provide ample of space, but the flat mushy keys on keyboard offer better experience. One of the softwares installed in this model is multitouch Elan which doesnt come with similar diverse vocabulary like other high end laptops and the surface area is quite small which will be difficult for average adult size fingers to maneuver.

Toshiba laptop reviews also give you some information about its features such as bright large 15.6 inch shiny LCD screen that boasts 1366 x 768 pixel resolution. You will find the speakers behind the grille, while the keyboard provides decent volume for playing games or watching movies. It can be powered by several different processors such as E250, E350, Intel Celerons, AMD Phenoms, Pentiums and Core i3. The E250 is one of the Fusion families of processors that come with semi discrete graphics onboard. In video playback, the battery lasts for 4 hours and 20 minutes and comes with standard features which include Windows 7 Home Premium, 250GB Toshiba 5,400rpm, E-240 1.5GHz AMD Fusion, 3,072MB DDR3 SDRAM 667MHz and 384MB ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6310.

Acer laptop reviews give you some information about recently launched laptops such as Acer Aspire AS5742G-7200 that features Robust Nvidia graphics, competitive performance for Core i5 and affordable price. It is one of the better laptops as compared to other models in the market with its better designed alternatives. The design of this model is nondescript, while the number pad and full keyboard come with large strip of unused space with lonely power button. It features a large bright LED backlit 15.6 inch screen that displays native resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels. The Aspire comes with a single speaker under the top left of grille and provides decent sound quality. Some of the standard features found in this model are Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Home Premium; 5,400rpm 500GB Western Digital; 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 M460; 1GB Nvidia GeForce GT 420M and 4,096MB DDR3 SDRAM 1,066MHz.

Lenovo laptop reviews also provide you with information of latest launched performance focused laptops in the market such as Lenovo ThinkPad X220 that comes with classic design, amazing battery life and advanced Intel processors. It features some exquisite components like Windows 7 Professional; 320 Hitachi 5,400rpm; 2.5GHz Intel Core i5 2520M; 64MB Intel GMA HD and 4,096MB DDR3 SDRAM 1,333MHz.

. Reasons why you should quit watching TV

Sometimes people think that there are some things in life that can't live without them. For someone is smoking cigarettes, for someone addiction of another person, for someone eating sweet things, but possibly for the biggest number of people that thing is the addiction of watching TV. People often consider watching TV as one of the most important things in their life, something that can't be escaped from or disregarded. True is that is not like that at all.
Experts declare that watching TV actually does not give any benefits and it would be good if we quit, or at least'consume' it in small quantities this unhealthy habit that offers us just stress and a lack of feeling for ourselves and the quality of our life.
Experts suggest that people should try to reduce time spent in front of the TV, underlining that these changes could definitely change their life for better. If you are ready to experience the benefits of quitting TV, consider the observation below and start these life makeover games that will give new light to your life.
If we speak about watching TV for 4 or more hours that definitely means taking your focus away from your family, friends, health goals, and hobbies. If watching TV does not add any noticeable value to your life, it becomes a time waster.
While some people spend ages in front of the TV, other people use that time for studying, reading, exercising, writing a book, learning to play a musical instrument or creating something new. We would improve our life if we dedicate on becoming a little bit happier, a little bit wiser and a little bit more compassionate.
Recent study has showed that when the TV works, even if it is just in the background, parents interact less with their kids and between themselves.
If you like to be slimmer, quit TV – few people are immune on mouth-watering commercials of grilled shrimp cooked to a crisp or layers of milk chocolate covering a Snicker bar.
Spending hours in front of TV puts the viewer into a highly suggestive trance-like hypnotic state. In this state your ability to critically analyze all the incoming information noticeably decreases so you become easy target for the commercials and often times you spend more money on things that you do not need.
Spending hours with your favourite hero, a character that is not even real, giving compassion and sympathy makes you less empathetic for real things. Turn around; better offer your help and your support to someone who is right next to you.
Watching beautiful people that drive expensive cars, stay in luxurious suites and throw celebrity parties can't make our self-esteem grow. These pictures follow you and push you to be something different from your essence or something that actually don't exist in real life.
If you find yourself desperate to get “ideal weight” or suffering because you cannot afford to buy the latest iPhone, turn off your TV and go for a walk to get in touch with the real world.