Tuesday, March 29, 2011

. Reasons why you should quit watching TV

Sometimes people think that there are some things in life that can't live without them. For someone is smoking cigarettes, for someone addiction of another person, for someone eating sweet things, but possibly for the biggest number of people that thing is the addiction of watching TV. People often consider watching TV as one of the most important things in their life, something that can't be escaped from or disregarded. True is that is not like that at all.
Experts declare that watching TV actually does not give any benefits and it would be good if we quit, or at least'consume' it in small quantities this unhealthy habit that offers us just stress and a lack of feeling for ourselves and the quality of our life.
Experts suggest that people should try to reduce time spent in front of the TV, underlining that these changes could definitely change their life for better. If you are ready to experience the benefits of quitting TV, consider the observation below and start these life makeover games that will give new light to your life.
If we speak about watching TV for 4 or more hours that definitely means taking your focus away from your family, friends, health goals, and hobbies. If watching TV does not add any noticeable value to your life, it becomes a time waster.
While some people spend ages in front of the TV, other people use that time for studying, reading, exercising, writing a book, learning to play a musical instrument or creating something new. We would improve our life if we dedicate on becoming a little bit happier, a little bit wiser and a little bit more compassionate.
Recent study has showed that when the TV works, even if it is just in the background, parents interact less with their kids and between themselves.
If you like to be slimmer, quit TV – few people are immune on mouth-watering commercials of grilled shrimp cooked to a crisp or layers of milk chocolate covering a Snicker bar.
Spending hours in front of TV puts the viewer into a highly suggestive trance-like hypnotic state. In this state your ability to critically analyze all the incoming information noticeably decreases so you become easy target for the commercials and often times you spend more money on things that you do not need.
Spending hours with your favourite hero, a character that is not even real, giving compassion and sympathy makes you less empathetic for real things. Turn around; better offer your help and your support to someone who is right next to you.
Watching beautiful people that drive expensive cars, stay in luxurious suites and throw celebrity parties can't make our self-esteem grow. These pictures follow you and push you to be something different from your essence or something that actually don't exist in real life.
If you find yourself desperate to get “ideal weight” or suffering because you cannot afford to buy the latest iPhone, turn off your TV and go for a walk to get in touch with the real world.
sumber: http://www.ezinearticles.biz/  

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